Category Archives: Grace

A New Year…Grace

Although I have disappeared on here for quite a long time, recently I feel more and more led that it is time to pick up my blogging pen again. Life holds many unknowns right now, but the one constant that is ALWAYS known, is the Great I AM. Nothing in my past, present, or future, takes Him by surprise. I find comfort in that. I find hope in that Truth. I may not always feel warm fuzzy emotions about life’s circumstances, but thankfully He doesn’t rely on that. He is faithful, and His faithfulness is not dependent on my feelings. I can rest in the fact that He is there and has a purpose for me. He loves me more than I can fathom and is not capable of allowing things in my life, or allowing me to make choices, that are not ultimately for my good and for His Glory!

I think I have shared a long time ago that each year I pray about what word He wants me to focus on that year.  He has used these words to grow me and challenge me in ways I couldn’t have foreseen. The lessons haven’t always been easy, but they have been good and worth it. In the past one word has been transparency. Focus on this word ultimately helped strip away the many masks we tend to wear. Although painful at the time, the emphasis on transparency loosened strongholds of shame, pride and much more.

My word this year is Grace. I look forward to learning more about it, how I can extend grace to others and to better grasp the grace that He has so fully extended to me, and freely offers others. I want to live freely in that grace! I’ve been reading some John Piper daily devotions on my phone, and the very first day in January dealt with grace. I love to see how He teaches me about it, and shows it to me, everywhere I turn.  I’ll be sure to share those moments on here, both for you, and for me. I find that it helps me to have those moments written down to encourage me when I need it…to see firsthand His faithfulness in sharing his Truths just when I need them. As I said in the beginning, He is the ONLY constant that we can count on…and wow, could it get any better than having the Creator of the Universe being the One constant in our lives!

Below is an excerpt I read that explains grace. I hope this helps you too:

Grace means to get something that you do not deserve; unmerited favor.  Mercy means you do not get a punishment that you deserve; compassion, forbearance. God is abundant in grace and mercy and we can read about it in the Bible. His greatest act of grace is the gift of salvation that is available for all people through faith. (Eph 2:8-9).

Grace…I can’t wait to see how He graciously teaches me about grace. I pray I get out of the way and allow Him to teach me and mold me!